Saturday, December 19, 2015


I recently read an article in Harpers..On "What Came Before The Big Bang"..??..A good article..Google It..And the phrase "TWO-HEADED TIME" was mentioned..??..So here is my response in "5 Pictures"...(....Time does "NOT MOVE"...TIME FLOWS..OR SHEDS..FROM ALL ATOMS..Always keep that in mind..)..I'll post "The Link"..And I hate to say this..But maybe we should try to explain..??..."What Happened After The Big Bang"...???.... Dec 20 2015.."One More Picture".. Did someone say..??.."A Dozen More Pictures"..??..Here they are..Take care..Bye.. One thing I wanted to mention too...In The Two-Headed Time Paper...They mention "Disorder & Order".....I did a video a few years back on "The Force Of Order"....But "These Are SUB-FORCES"......ORDER-LIMIT-WARNING-EVIDENCE-VULNERABLE"... As far as "VULNERABLE"....Remember "ALL ATOMS CAN BE SPLIT OR PENETRATED"..That's why there is a problem with "INTERNET SECURITY".....You are "Essentially Building Computer's Out Of VULNERABLE ATOMS"....ALL TRAITS "WITHIN THE ATOM ARE MIRRORED OUT"..........Anyway....."Disorder & Order"........(..Let's Put Them Backwards...).......You can look at 1) "DISORDER = UNCERTAINTY"..... 2) "ORDER = CERTAINTY"....Or.......1) "DISORDER = BLUR".....2) "ORDER = FOCUSED"...Or.......1) "DISORDER = UNMARKED".......2) "ORDER = MARKED".......You essentially need to apply "Disorder and Order" to "TIME".........And if you want to apply these "Principles To STRING THEORY"....You need to look at "Every Movement Or Vibration Of The String"..???...."AS A UNIQUE MARK IN TIME"....It's "The Trail Of The Universe"....Or "THE CAT'S TAIL"........Remember.."If You Were To Build A TIME MACHINE"...."These are The Principles YOUR DIALS" would function on......You have to have some sort of "Dial" on A Time Machine....Otherwise..."You Could Find Yourself At An UNCERTAIN YEAR"....To "Accurately Go back To Any CERTAIN YEAR"...Your "Dials" must function on a "Computer Trail Principle"........And "That's The Trail"...........Like I say....If you want to bring in "String Theory" that's cool......But you must ask yourself....Q) "WHAT ARE THE STRINGS ACTUALLY DOING"...????......A) "THE STRINGS ARE MARKING INSTANCES IN TIME"......"ENCRYPTED TIME"....Bye.......